
bold = lab member, * = undergraduate student, ** = grad student, *** = postdoc

Garthwaite, I.J.**, C. Lepp*, Z.S.R. Maldonado*, D. Blasini, K.C. Grady, C.A. Gehring, K.R. Hultine, T.G. Whitham, G.J. Allan, and R.J. Best. 2024. Plasticity in Hydraulic Architecture: Riparian Trees Respond to Increased Temperatures With Genotype‐Specific Adjustments to Leaf Traits. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70683. open access link.

Corbin, J.P.M.**, R.J. Best, I.J. Garthwaite**, H.F. Cooper***, C.E. Doughty, C.A. Gehring, K.R. Hultine, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2024. Hyperspectral leaf reflectance detects interactive genetic and environmental effects on tree phenotypes, enabling large-scale monitoring and restoration planning under climate change. Plant, Cell & Environment. open access link.

Hansen, L.E.**, C.B. Yackulic, B.G. Dickson, B.R. Deemer, and R.J. Best. 2023. Linking ecosystem processes to consumer growth rates: gross primary productivity as a driver of freshwater fish somatic growth in a resource-limited river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80: 1456-1469. link.

Cooper, H.***, R.J. Best, L. Andrews, J.P.M Corbin**, I.J. Garthwaite**, K.C. Grady, C.A. Gehring, K. Hultine, T.G. Whitham, and G.J. Allan. 2022. Evidence of climate-driven selection on both tree traits and trait plasticity across the climatic range of a riparian foundation species. Molecular Ecology 31: 5024-5040. link.

Bodine, C.S.**, D. Buscombe, R.J. Best, J.A. Redner, and A.J. Kaeser. 2022. PING‐Mapper: Open‐source software for automated benthic imaging and mapping using recreation‐grade sonar. Earth and Space Science 9: e2022EA002469. open access link.

Sterner, S.A.**, C.E. Aslan, R.J. Best, and T. Chaudhry. 2022. Forest management effects on vegetation regeneration after a high severity wildfire: A case study in the southern Cascade range. Forest Ecology and Management 520: 120394. link.

Eisenring, M.***, R.J. Best, M.R. Zierden, H.F. Cooper***, M.A. Norstrem*, T.G. Whitham, K. Grady, G.J. Allan, and R.L. Lindroth. 2022. Genetic divergence along a climate gradient shapes chemical plasticity of a foundation tree species to both changing climate and herbivore damage. Global Change Biology 28: 4684–4700. open access link.

Jeplawy, J.R.**, H.F. Cooper***, J. Marks, R.L. Lindroth, M.I. Andrews*, Z.G. Compson, C. Gehring, K.R. Hultine, K. Grady, T.G. Whitham, G.J. Allan, and R.J. Best. 2021. Plastic responses to hot temperatures homogenize riparian leaf litter, speed decomposition, and reduce detritivores. Ecology 102:e03461. link.

Eger, A.M.**, R.J. Best, and J.K. Baum. 2021. Dominance determines fish community biomass in a temperate seagrass ecosystem. Ecology and evolution 11:10489-10501. link.

Chapman, K.A.**, R.J. Best, M.E. Smith, E.R. Mueller, P.E. Grams, and R.A. Parnell. 2021. Estimating the contribution of tributary sand inputs to controlled flood deposits for sandbar restoration using elemental tracers, Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park. GSA Bulletin. link.

Lürig, M.D.**, R.J. Best, V. Dakos, and B. Matthews. 2020. Submerged macrophytes affect the temporal variability of aquatic ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 66421– 435link.

Best, R.J.. 2020. The evolution of community assembly in marine foundation species (FE Spotlight). Functional Ecology 34:2012-2014. link.

Anaya-Rojas, J.M.**, R.J. Best, F. Brunner**, C. Eizaguirre, M.C. Leal, C. Melian, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. 2019. An experimental test of how parasites of predators can influence trophic cascades and ecosystem functioning. Ecology 100:e02744. link.

Lürig, M.D.**, R.J. Best, M. Svitok, J. Jokela, and B. Matthews. 2019. The role of plasticity in the evolution of cryptic pigmentation in a freshwater isopod. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:612-623. link.

Schmid, D.W.**, M.D. McGee, R.J. Best, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. 2019. Rapid trait evolution in recently diverged predator populations impacts predator performance and prey community structure. The American Naturalist 193:331-345. link.

Cooper, H.F.**, K.C. Grady, J.A. Cowan, R.J. Best, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2019. Genotypic variation in phenological plasticity: reciprocal common gardens reveal adaptive responses to warmer springs but not to fall frost. Global Change Biology 25:187-200. link.

Limberger, R., J. Birtel, H. Peter, N. Catalán, D.D. Farias, R.J. Best, J. Brodersen, H. Bürgmann, and B. Matthews. 2019. Predator‐induced changes in dissolved organic carbon dynamics. Oikos 128:430-440. link.

Rhoades, O.K.**, R.J. Best, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2018. Assessing feeding preference of a consumer guild: partitioning variation among versus within species. The American Naturalist 192:287-300. link.

Matthews, B., R.J. Best, P.G.D. Feulner, A. Narwani, and R. Limberger. 2018. Evolution as an ecosystem process: insights from genomics. Genome 61:298-309. link.

Best, R.J., J. M. Anaya-Rojas**, M. C. Leal, D. W. Schmid**, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. 2017. Transgenerational selection driven by divergent ecological impacts of hybridizing lineages. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1:1757-1765. link | read here. Featured in Nature piece on eco-evolutionary feedbacks

Weber, M.G., C.E. Wagner, R.J. Best, L.J. Harmon, and B. Matthews. 2017. Evolution in a community context: on integrating ecological interactions and macroevolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32:291–304. link.

Leal, M.C., R.J. Best, D. Durston, R.W. El-Sabaawi, and B. Matthews. 2017. Stoichiometric traits of stickleback: effects of genetic background, rearing environment, and ontogeny. Ecology and Evolution. 7:2617-2625. link.


Smith. M.E., N.J. Finnegan, E.R. Mueller, and R.J. Best. 2017. Durable terrestrial bedrock predicts submarine canyon formation. Geophysical Research Letters 44:10,332-10,340.

Lürig, M.D.**, R.J. Best and J.J. Stachowicz. 2016Microhabitat partitioning in seagrass mesograzers is driven by consistent species choices across multiple predator and competitor contexts. Oikos 125:1324-1333. link

Best, R.J., M.N. Stone*, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2015. Predicting consequences of climate change for ecosystem functioning: variation across trophic levels, species, and individuals. Diversity and Distributions 21:1364-1374. pdf

Best, R.J., A.L. Chaudoin, M.E.S. Bracken, M.H. Graham, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2014. Plant-animal diversity relationships in a rocky intertidal system depend on invertebrate body size and algal cover. Ecology 95:1308–1322. Open Access!

Best, R.J., and J.J. Stachowicz. 2014. Phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence for the role of food and habitat in the assembly of communities of marine amphipods. Ecology 95:775–786. pdf

Best, R.J., and J.J. Stachowicz. 2013. Phylogeny as a proxy for ecology in seagrass amphipods: which traits are most conserved? PLoS ONE 8(3):e57550. link.

Best, R.J., N.C. Caulk*, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2013. Trait vs. phylogenetic diversity as predictors of competition and community composition in herbivorous marine amphipods. Ecology Letters 16:72-80. pdf  f1000-web-logo-small

Best, R.J., and J.J. Stachowicz. 2012. Trophic cascades in seagrass meadows depend on mesograzer variation in feeding rates, predation susceptibility, and abundance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 456:29-42. pdf

Isaac-Renton, M., J.R. Bennett, R.J. Best, and P. Arcese. 2010. Effects of introduced Canada geese (Branta canadensis) on native plant communities of the Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia. Ecoscience 17:394-399.

Hughes, A.R., R.J. Best, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2010. Genotypic diversity and grazer identity interactively influence seagrass and grazer biomass. Marine Ecology Progress Series 403:43-51.

Edwards, K.F., K.M. Aquilino, R.J. Best, K.L. Sellheim, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2010. Prey diversity is associated with weaker consumer effects in a meta-analysis of benthic marine experiments. Ecology Letters 13:194-201.

Best, R.J., and P. Arcese. 2009. Exotic herbivores directly facilitate the exotic grasses they graze: mechanisms for an unexpected positive feedback between invaders. Oecologia 159:139-150. pdf

Stachowicz, J.J., R.J. Best, M.E.S. Bracken, and M.H. Graham. 2008. Complementarity in marine biodiversity manipulations: reconciling divergent evidence from field and mesocosm experiments. PNAS 105:18842-18847.

Best, R.J. 2008. Exotic grasses and nutrient deposition by an exotic herbivore combine to reduce the relative abundance of native forbs. Oecologia 158:319-327. pdf

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