evolution and ecology of riparian trees

In collaboration with the Cottonwood Ecology Group at NAU and the Lindroth Lab at the University of Wisconsin, our lab is working on understanding the evolutionary origins and ecosystem consequences of plasticity in the traits of leaves and leaf litter.

Key funding:

NSF AWARD 1914433 Bridging Ecology and Evolution: Consequences of phenotypic plasticity for gene-to-ecosystem linkages: Multi-stress experiments across the climatic range of a foundation species

Garthwaite, I.J., C. Lepp, Z.S.R. Maldonado, D. Blasini, K.C. Grady, C.A. Gehring, K.R. Hultine, T.G. Whitham, G.J. Allan, and R.J. Best. 2024. Plasticity in Hydraulic Architecture: Riparian Trees Respond to Increased Temperatures With Genotype‐Specific Adjustments to Leaf Traits. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70683. open access link.

Corbin, J.P.M., R.J. Best, I.J. Garthwaite, H.F. Cooper, C.E. Doughty, C.A. Gehring, K.R. Hultine, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2024. Hyperspectral leaf reflectance detects interactive genetic and environmental effects on tree phenotypes, enabling large-scale monitoring and restoration planning under climate change. Plant, Cell & Environment. open access link.

Cooper, H.F., R.J. Best, L. Andrews, J.P.M. Corbin, I.J. Garthwaite, K.C. Grady, C.A. Gehring, K. Hultine, T.G. Whitham, and G.J. Allan. 2022. Evidence of climate-driven selection on both tree traits and trait plasticity across the climatic range of a riparian foundation species. Molecular Ecology. link.

Eisenring, M., R.J. Best, M.R. Zierden, H.F. Cooper, M.A. Norstrem, T.G. Whitham, K. Grady, G.J. Allan, and R.L. Lindroth. 2022. Genetic divergence along a climate gradient shapes chemical plasticity of a foundation tree species to both changing climate and herbivore damage. Global Change Biology 28: 4684–4700. open access link.

Jeplawy, J.R., H.F. Cooper, J. Marks, R.L. Lindroth, M.I. Andrews, Z.G. Compson, C. Gehring, K.R. Hultine, K. Grady, T.G. Whitham, G.J. Allan, and R.J. Best. 2021. Plastic responses to hot temperatures homogenize riparian leaf litter, speed decomposition, and reduce detritivores. Ecology 102:e03461. link

Cooper, H.F., K.C. Grady, J.A. Cowan, R.J. Best, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2019. Genotypic variation in phenological plasticity: reciprocal common gardens reveal adaptive responses to warmer springs but not to fall frost. Global Change Biology 25:187-200. link.